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#include <pjsua.h>

Data Fields

pj_bool_t enable_ice
int ice_max_host_cands
pj_ice_sess_options ice_opt
pj_bool_t ice_no_rtcp
pj_bool_t ice_always_update

Detailed Description

ICE setting. This setting is used in the pjsua_acc_config.

Field Documentation

◆ enable_ice

pj_bool_t pjsua_ice_config::enable_ice

Enable ICE.

◆ ice_max_host_cands

int pjsua_ice_config::ice_max_host_cands

Set the maximum number of host candidates.

Default: -1 (maximum not set)

◆ ice_opt

pj_ice_sess_options pjsua_ice_config::ice_opt

ICE session options.

◆ ice_no_rtcp

pj_bool_t pjsua_ice_config::ice_no_rtcp

Disable RTCP component.

Default: no

◆ ice_always_update

pj_bool_t pjsua_ice_config::ice_always_update

Send re-INVITE/UPDATE every after ICE connectivity check regardless the default ICE transport address is changed or not. When this is set to PJ_FALSE, re-INVITE/UPDATE will be sent only when the default ICE transport address is changed.

Default: yes

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


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