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#include <sip_resolve.h>

Data Fields

unsigned count
struct {
   pjsip_transport_type_e   type
   unsigned   priority
   unsigned   weight
   pj_sockaddr   addr
   int   addr_len

Detailed Description

The server addresses returned by the resolver.

Field Documentation

◆ count

unsigned pjsip_server_addresses::count

Number of address records.

◆ type

pjsip_transport_type_e pjsip_server_addresses::type

Preferable transport to be used to contact this address.

◆ priority

unsigned pjsip_server_addresses::priority

Server priority (the lower the higher the priority).

◆ weight

unsigned pjsip_server_addresses::weight

Server weight (the higher the more load it can handle).

◆ addr

pj_sockaddr pjsip_server_addresses::addr

The server's address.

◆ addr_len

int pjsip_server_addresses::addr_len

Address length.


struct { ... } pjsip_server_addresses::entry[PJSIP_MAX_RESOLVED_ADDRESSES]

Address records.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


PJSIP Open Source, high performance, small footprint, and very very portable SIP stack
Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Teluu Inc.