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#include <presence.h>

Data Fields

unsigned info_cnt
struct {
   pj_bool_t   basic_open
   pjrpid_element   rpid
   pj_str_t   id
   pj_str_t   contact
   pj_xml_node *   tuple_node
info [8]
pj_bool_t _is_valid

Detailed Description

This structure describes presence status of a presentity.

See also

Field Documentation

◆ info_cnt

unsigned pjsip_pres_status::info_cnt

Number of info in the status.

◆ basic_open

pj_bool_t pjsip_pres_status::basic_open

Basic status/availability.

◆ rpid

pjrpid_element pjsip_pres_status::rpid

Optional RPID info.

◆ id

pj_str_t pjsip_pres_status::id

Tuple id.

◆ contact

pj_str_t pjsip_pres_status::contact

Optional contact address.

◆ tuple_node

pj_xml_node* pjsip_pres_status::tuple_node

Pointer to tuple XML node of parsed PIDF body received from remote agent. Only valid for client subscription. If the last received NOTIFY request does not contain any PIDF body, this valud will be set to NULL


struct { ... } pjsip_pres_status::info[ 8 ]

Array of info.

◆ _is_valid

pj_bool_t pjsip_pres_status::_is_valid

Internal flag.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


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