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#include <call.hpp>

Public Member Functions

void fromPj (const pjmedia_sdp_session &sdp)

Data Fields

string wholeSdp
void * pjSdpSession

Detailed Description

This structure describes SDP session description. It corresponds to the pjmedia_sdp_session structure.

Member Function Documentation

◆ fromPj()

void pj::SdpSession::fromPj ( const pjmedia_sdp_session sdp)

Convert from pjsip

Field Documentation

◆ wholeSdp

string pj::SdpSession::wholeSdp

The whole SDP as a string.

◆ pjSdpSession

void* pj::SdpSession::pjSdpSession

Pointer to its original pjmedia_sdp_session. Only valid when the struct is converted from PJSIP's pjmedia_sdp_session.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


PJSIP Open Source, high performance, small footprint, and very very portable SIP stack
Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Teluu Inc.