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Basic application creation/initialization, logging configuration, etc. More...

Data Structures

struct  pjsua_logging_config
struct  pjsua_mwi_info
struct  pjsua_reg_info
struct  pjsua_stream_info
struct  pjsua_stream_stat
struct  pjsua_on_stream_precreate_param
struct  pjsua_on_stream_created_param
struct  pjsua_med_tp_state_info
struct  pjsua_srtp_opt
union  pjsua_ip_change_op_info
struct  pjsua_dtmf_info
struct  pjsua_dtmf_event
struct  pjsua_call_setting
struct  pjsua_callback
struct  pjsua_config
struct  pjsua_msg_data
struct  pj_stun_resolve_result
struct  pjsua_ip_change_param
struct  pjsua_ip_change_acc_cfg


#define DISABLED_FOR_TICKET_1185   0
#define PJSUA_POOL_LEN   1000
#define PJSUA_POOL_INC   1000
#define PJSUA_POOL_LEN_ACC   512
#define PJSUA_POOL_INC_ACC   256
#define PJSUA_ADD_ICE_TAGS   1
#define PJSUA_UNKNOWN_DTMF_DURATION   ((unsigned)-1)
#define pjsip_cred_dup   pjsip_cred_info_dup


typedef int pjsua_call_id
typedef int pjsua_acc_id
typedef int pjsua_buddy_id
typedef int pjsua_player_id
typedef int pjsua_recorder_id
typedef int pjsua_conf_port_id
typedef pj_status_t(* pjsua_med_tp_state_cb) (pjsua_call_id call_id, const pjsua_med_tp_state_info *info)
typedef void(* pj_stun_resolve_cb) (const pj_stun_resolve_result *result)


enum  pjsua_invalid_id_const_ { PJSUA_INVALID_ID = -1 }
enum  pjsua_state {
enum  pjsua_med_tp_st {
enum  pjsua_create_media_transport_flag { PJSUA_MED_TP_CLOSE_MEMBER = 1 }
enum  pjsua_ip_change_op {
enum  pjsua_dtmf_method { PJSUA_DTMF_METHOD_RFC2833 , PJSUA_DTMF_METHOD_SIP_INFO }
enum  pjsua_100rel_use { PJSUA_100REL_NOT_USED , PJSUA_100REL_MANDATORY , PJSUA_100REL_OPTIONAL }


void pjsua_logging_config_default (pjsua_logging_config *cfg)
void pjsua_logging_config_dup (pj_pool_t *pool, pjsua_logging_config *dst, const pjsua_logging_config *src)
void pjsua_config_default (pjsua_config *cfg)
void pjsua_config_dup (pj_pool_t *pool, pjsua_config *dst, const pjsua_config *src)
void pjsua_msg_data_init (pjsua_msg_data *msg_data)
pjsua_msg_datapjsua_msg_data_clone (pj_pool_t *pool, const pjsua_msg_data *rhs)
pj_status_t pjsua_create (void)
pj_status_t pjsua_init (const pjsua_config *ua_cfg, const pjsua_logging_config *log_cfg, const pjsua_media_config *media_cfg)
pj_status_t pjsua_start (void)
pj_status_t pjsua_destroy (void)
pjsua_state pjsua_get_state (void)
pj_status_t pjsua_destroy2 (unsigned flags)
int pjsua_handle_events (unsigned msec_timeout)
void pjsua_stop_worker_threads (void)
pj_pool_tpjsua_pool_create (const char *name, pj_size_t init_size, pj_size_t increment)
pj_status_t pjsua_reconfigure_logging (const pjsua_logging_config *c)
pjsip_endpointpjsua_get_pjsip_endpt (void)
pjmedia_endptpjsua_get_pjmedia_endpt (void)
pj_pool_factorypjsua_get_pool_factory (void)
void pjsua_ip_change_param_default (pjsua_ip_change_param *param)
pj_status_t pjsua_detect_nat_type (void)
pj_status_t pjsua_get_nat_type (pj_stun_nat_type *type)
pj_status_t pjsua_update_stun_servers (unsigned count, pj_str_t srv[], pj_bool_t wait)
pj_status_t pjsua_resolve_stun_servers (unsigned count, pj_str_t srv[], pj_bool_t wait, void *token, pj_stun_resolve_cb cb)
pj_status_t pjsua_cancel_stun_resolution (void *token, pj_bool_t notify_cb)
pj_status_t pjsua_verify_sip_url (const char *url)
pj_status_t pjsua_verify_url (const char *url)
pj_status_t pjsua_schedule_timer (pj_timer_entry *entry, const pj_time_val *delay)
pj_status_t pjsua_schedule_timer2 (void(*cb)(void *user_data), void *user_data, unsigned msec_delay)
void pjsua_cancel_timer (pj_timer_entry *entry)
void pjsua_perror (const char *sender, const char *title, pj_status_t status)
void pjsua_dump (pj_bool_t detail)
pj_status_t pjsua_handle_ip_change (const pjsua_ip_change_param *param)

Detailed Description

The base PJSUA API controls PJSUA creation, initialization, and startup, and also provides various auxiliary functions.

Using PJSUA Library

Creating PJSUA

Before anything else, application must create PJSUA by calling pjsua_create(). This, among other things, will initialize PJLIB, which is crucial before any PJLIB functions can be called, PJLIB-UTIL, and create a SIP endpoint.

After this function is called, application can create a memory pool (with pjsua_pool_create()) and read configurations from command line or file to build the settings to initialize PJSUA below.

Initializing PJSUA

After PJSUA is created, application can initialize PJSUA by calling pjsua_init(). This function takes several optional configuration settings in the argument, if application wants to set them.

PJSUA-LIB Initialization (in C)

Sample code to initialize PJSUA in C code:

#define THIS_FILE __FILE__
static pj_status_t app_init(void)
pjsua_config ua_cfg;
pjsua_media_config media_cfg;
pj_status_t status;
// Must create pjsua before anything else!
status = pjsua_create();
if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
pjsua_perror(THIS_FILE, "Error initializing pjsua", status);
return status;
// Initialize configs with default settings.
// At the very least, application would want to override
// the call callbacks in pjsua_config:
ua_cfg.cb.on_incoming_call = ...
ua_cfg.cb.on_call_state = ..
// Customize other settings (or initialize them from application specific
// configuration file):
// Initialize pjsua
status = pjsua_init(&ua_cfg, &log_cfg, &media_cfg);
if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
pjsua_perror(THIS_FILE, "Error initializing pjsua", status);
return status;
pj_status_t pjsua_create(void)
void pjsua_perror(const char *sender, const char *title, pj_status_t status)
void pjsua_config_default(pjsua_config *cfg)
pj_status_t pjsua_init(const pjsua_config *ua_cfg, const pjsua_logging_config *log_cfg, const pjsua_media_config *media_cfg)
void pjsua_logging_config_default(pjsua_logging_config *cfg)
void pjsua_media_config_default(pjsua_media_config *cfg)
int pj_status_t
void(* on_call_state)(pjsua_call_id call_id, pjsip_event *e)
Definition: pjsua-lib/pjsua.h:1099
void(* on_incoming_call)(pjsua_acc_id acc_id, pjsua_call_id call_id, pjsip_rx_data *rdata)
Definition: pjsua-lib/pjsua.h:1109
Definition: pjsua-lib/pjsua.h:2040
pjsua_callback cb
Definition: pjsua-lib/pjsua.h:2248
Definition: pjsua-lib/pjsua.h:474
Definition: pjsua-lib/pjsua.h:6807

Other Initialization

After PJSUA is initialized with pjsua_init(), application will normally need/want to perform the following tasks:

Starting PJSUA

After all initializations have been done, application must call pjsua_start() to start PJSUA. This function will check that all settings have been properly configured, and apply default settings when they haven't, or report error status when it is unable to recover from missing settings.

Most settings can be changed during run-time. For example, application may add, modify, or delete accounts, buddies, or change media settings during run-time.

C Example for Starting PJSUA

Sample code:

static pj_status_t app_run(void)
pj_status_t status;
// Start pjsua
status = pjsua_start();
if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
pjsua_perror(THIS_FILE, "Error starting pjsua", status);
return status;
// Run application loop
while (1) {
char choice[10];
printf("Select menu: ");
fgets(choice, sizeof(choice), stdin);
pj_status_t pjsua_start(void)
pj_status_t pjsua_destroy(void)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DISABLED_FOR_TICKET_1185   0

Disabled features temporarily for media reorganization


#define PJSUA_POOL_LEN   1000

Initial memory block for PJSUA.


#define PJSUA_POOL_INC   1000

Memory increment for PJSUA.


#define PJSUA_POOL_LEN_ACC   512

Initial memory block for PJSUA account.


#define PJSUA_POOL_INC_ACC   256

Memory increment for PJSUA account.



Maximum proxies in account.






Default value of secure signaling requirement for SRTP. Valid values are: 0: SRTP does not require secure signaling 1: SRTP requires secure transport such as TLS 2: SRTP requires secure end-to-end transport (SIPS)


#define PJSUA_ADD_ICE_TAGS   1

Controls whether PJSUA-LIB should add ICE media feature tag parameter (the ";+sip.ice" parameter) to Contact header if ICE is enabled in the config.

Default: 1



Timeout value used to acquire mutex lock on a particular call.

Default: 2000 ms



Is video enabled.



Interval between two keyframe requests, in milliseconds.

Default: 3000 ms



Specify whether timer heap events will be polled by a separate worker thread. If this is set/enabled, a worker thread will be dedicated to poll timer heap events only, and the rest worker thread(s) will poll ioqueue/network events only.

Note that if worker thread count setting (i.e: pjsua_config.thread_cnt) is set to zero, this setting will be ignored.

Default: 0 (disabled)



Specify whether pjsua should disable automatically sending initial answer 100/Trying for incoming calls. If disabled, application can later send 100/Trying if it wishes using pjsua_call_answer().

Default: 0 (automatic sending enabled)



Default options that will be passed when creating ice transport. See pjmedia_transport_ice_options.



Interval of checking for any new ICE candidate when trickle ICE is active. Trickle ICE gathers local ICE candidates, such as STUN and TURN candidates, in the background, while SDP offer/answer negotiation is being performed. Later, when any new ICE candidate is found, the endpoint will convey the candidate to the remote endpoint via SIP INFO.

Default: 100 ms


#define PJSUA_UNKNOWN_DTMF_DURATION   ((unsigned)-1)

Constant to specify unknown duration in pjsua_dtmf_info and pjsua_dtmf_event.

◆ pjsip_cred_dup

#define pjsip_cred_dup   pjsip_cred_info_dup

The implementation has been moved to sip_auth.h

Typedef Documentation

◆ pjsua_call_id

typedef int pjsua_call_id

Call identification

◆ pjsua_acc_id

typedef int pjsua_acc_id

Account identification

◆ pjsua_buddy_id

typedef int pjsua_buddy_id

Buddy identification

◆ pjsua_player_id

typedef int pjsua_player_id

File player identification

◆ pjsua_recorder_id

typedef int pjsua_recorder_id

File recorder identification

◆ pjsua_conf_port_id

typedef int pjsua_conf_port_id

Conference port identification

◆ pjsua_med_tp_state_cb

typedef pj_status_t(* pjsua_med_tp_state_cb) (pjsua_call_id call_id, const pjsua_med_tp_state_info *info)

Type of callback to be called when media transport state is changed.

call_idThe call ID.
infoThe media transport state info.
The callback must return PJ_SUCCESS at the moment.

◆ pj_stun_resolve_cb

typedef void(* pj_stun_resolve_cb) (const pj_stun_resolve_result *result)

Typedef of callback to be registered to pjsua_resolve_stun_servers() and to be called when STUN resolution completes.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ pjsua_invalid_id_const_

Constant to identify invalid ID for all sorts of IDs.

◆ pjsua_state

This enumeration represents pjsua state.


The library has not been initialized.


After pjsua_create() is called but before pjsua_init() is called.


After pjsua_init() is called but before pjsua_start() is called.


After pjsua_start() is called but before everything is running.


After pjsua_start() is called and before pjsua_destroy() is called.


After pjsua_destroy() is called but before the function returns.

◆ pjsua_med_tp_st

Enumeration of media transport state types.


Null, this is the state before media transport is created.


Just before media transport is created, which can finish asynchronously later.


Media transport creation is completed, but not initialized yet.


Initialized (media_create() has been called).


Running (media_start() has been called).


Disabled (transport is initialized, but media is being disabled).

◆ pjsua_create_media_transport_flag

This enumeration specifies the options for custom media transport creation.


This flag indicates that the media transport must also close its "member" or "child" transport when pjmedia_transport_close() is called. If this flag is not specified, then the media transport must not call pjmedia_transport_close() of its member transport.

◆ pjsua_contact_rewrite_method

This enumeration specifies the contact rewrite method.


The Contact update will be done by sending unregistration to the currently registered Contact, while simultaneously sending new registration (with different Call-ID) for the updated Contact.


The Contact update will be done in a single, current registration session, by removing the current binding (by setting its Contact's expires parameter to zero) and adding a new Contact binding, all done in a single request.


The Contact update will be done when receiving any registration final response. If this flag is not specified, contact update will only be done upon receiving 2xx response. This flag MUST be used with PJSUA_CONTACT_REWRITE_UNREGISTER or PJSUA_CONTACT_REWRITE_NO_UNREG above to specify how the Contact update should be performed when receiving 2xx response.

◆ pjsua_ip_change_op

This enumeration specifies the operation when handling IP change.


Hasn't start ip change process.


The restart listener process.


The shutdown transport process.


The update contact process.


The hanging up call process.


The re-INVITE call process.


The ip change process has completed.

◆ pjsua_dtmf_method

This enumeration specifies DTMF method.


Send DTMF using RFC2833.


Send DTMF using SIP INFO. Notes:

  • This method is not finalized in any standard/rfc, however it is commonly used.
  • Warning: in case the remote doesn't support SIP INFO, response might not be sent and the sender will deal this as timeout and disconnect the call.

◆ pjsua_sip_timer_use

This enumeration specifies the usage of SIP Session Timers extension.


When this flag is specified, Session Timers will not be used in any session, except it is explicitly required in the remote request.


When this flag is specified, Session Timers will be used in all sessions whenever remote supports and uses it.


When this flag is specified, Session Timers support will be a requirement for the remote to be able to establish a session.


When this flag is specified, Session Timers will always be used in all sessions, regardless whether remote supports/uses it or not.

◆ pjsua_100rel_use

This constants controls the use of 100rel extension.


Not used. For UAC, support for 100rel will be indicated in Supported header so that peer can opt to use it if it wants to. As UAS, this option will NOT cause 100rel to be used even if UAC indicates that it supports this feature.


Mandatory. UAC will place 100rel in Require header, and UAS will reject incoming calls unless it has 100rel in Supported header.


Optional. Similar to PJSUA_100REL_NOT_USED, except that as UAS, this option will cause 100rel to be used if UAC indicates that it supports it.

◆ pjsua_destroy_flag

Flags to be given to pjsua_destroy2()


Allow sending outgoing messages (such as unregistration, event unpublication, BYEs, unsubscription, etc.), but do not wait for responses. This is useful to perform "best effort" clean up without delaying the shutdown process waiting for responses.


If this flag is set, do not send any outgoing messages at all. This flag is useful if application knows that the network which the messages are to be sent on is currently down.


Do not send or receive messages during destroy. This flag is shorthand for PJSUA_DESTROY_NO_RX_MSG + PJSUA_DESTROY_NO_TX_MSG.

Function Documentation

◆ pjsua_logging_config_default()

void pjsua_logging_config_default ( pjsua_logging_config cfg)

Use this function to initialize logging config.

cfgThe logging config to be initialized.

◆ pjsua_logging_config_dup()

void pjsua_logging_config_dup ( pj_pool_t pool,
pjsua_logging_config dst,
const pjsua_logging_config src 

Use this function to duplicate logging config.

poolPool to use.
dstDestination config.
srcSource config.

◆ pjsua_config_default()

void pjsua_config_default ( pjsua_config cfg)

Use this function to initialize pjsua config.

cfgpjsua config to be initialized.

◆ pjsua_config_dup()

void pjsua_config_dup ( pj_pool_t pool,
pjsua_config dst,
const pjsua_config src 

Duplicate pjsua_config.

poolThe pool to get memory from.
dstDestination config.
srcSource config.

◆ pjsua_msg_data_init()

void pjsua_msg_data_init ( pjsua_msg_data msg_data)

Initialize message data.

msg_dataMessage data to be initialized.

◆ pjsua_msg_data_clone()

pjsua_msg_data * pjsua_msg_data_clone ( pj_pool_t pool,
const pjsua_msg_data rhs 

Clone message data.

poolPool to allocate memory for the new message data.
rhsMessage data to be cloned.
The new message data.

◆ pjsua_create()

pj_status_t pjsua_create ( void  )

Instantiate pjsua application. Application must call this function before calling any other functions, to make sure that the underlying libraries are properly initialized. Once this function has returned success, application must call pjsua_destroy() before quitting.

PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.

◆ pjsua_init()

pj_status_t pjsua_init ( const pjsua_config ua_cfg,
const pjsua_logging_config log_cfg,
const pjsua_media_config media_cfg 

Initialize pjsua with the specified settings. All the settings are optional, and the default values will be used when the config is not specified.

Note that pjsua_create() MUST be called before calling this function.

ua_cfgUser agent configuration.
log_cfgOptional logging configuration.
media_cfgOptional media configuration.
PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.

◆ pjsua_start()

pj_status_t pjsua_start ( void  )

Application is recommended to call this function after all initialization is done, so that the library can do additional checking set up additional

Application may call this function anytime after pjsua_init().

PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.

◆ pjsua_destroy()

pj_status_t pjsua_destroy ( void  )

Destroy pjsua. Application is recommended to perform graceful shutdown before calling this function (such as unregister the account from the SIP server, terminate presense subscription, and hangup active calls), however, this function will do all of these if it finds there are active sessions that need to be terminated. This function will approximately block for one second to wait for replies from remote.

Application.may safely call this function more than once if it doesn't keep track of it's state.

See also
PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.

◆ pjsua_get_state()

pjsua_state pjsua_get_state ( void  )

Retrieve pjsua state.

pjsua state.

◆ pjsua_destroy2()

pj_status_t pjsua_destroy2 ( unsigned  flags)

Variant of destroy with additional flags.

flagsCombination of pjsua_destroy_flag enumeration.
PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.

◆ pjsua_handle_events()

int pjsua_handle_events ( unsigned  msec_timeout)

Poll pjsua for events, and if necessary block the caller thread for the specified maximum interval (in miliseconds).

Application doesn't normally need to call this function if it has configured worker thread (thread_cnt field) in pjsua_config structure, because polling then will be done by these worker threads instead.

msec_timeoutMaximum time to wait, in miliseconds.
The number of events that have been handled during the poll. Negative value indicates error, and application can retrieve the error as (status = -return_value).

◆ pjsua_stop_worker_threads()

void pjsua_stop_worker_threads ( void  )

Signal all worker threads to quit. This will only wait until internal threads are done.

◆ pjsua_pool_create()

pj_pool_t * pjsua_pool_create ( const char *  name,
pj_size_t  init_size,
pj_size_t  increment 

Create memory pool to be used by the application. Once application finished using the pool, it must be released with pj_pool_release().

nameOptional pool name.
init_sizeInitial size of the pool.
incrementIncrement size.
The pool, or NULL when there's no memory.

◆ pjsua_reconfigure_logging()

pj_status_t pjsua_reconfigure_logging ( const pjsua_logging_config c)

Application can call this function at any time (after pjsua_create(), of course) to change logging settings.

cLogging configuration.
PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.

◆ pjsua_get_pjsip_endpt()

pjsip_endpoint * pjsua_get_pjsip_endpt ( void  )

Internal function to get SIP endpoint instance of pjsua, which is needed for example to register module, create transports, etc. Only valid after pjsua_init() is called.

SIP endpoint instance.

◆ pjsua_get_pjmedia_endpt()

pjmedia_endpt * pjsua_get_pjmedia_endpt ( void  )

Internal function to get media endpoint instance. Only valid after pjsua_init() is called.

Media endpoint instance.

◆ pjsua_get_pool_factory()

pj_pool_factory * pjsua_get_pool_factory ( void  )

Internal function to get PJSUA pool factory. Only valid after pjsua_create() is called.

Pool factory currently used by PJSUA.

◆ pjsua_ip_change_param_default()

void pjsua_ip_change_param_default ( pjsua_ip_change_param param)

Call this function to initialize pjsua_ip_change_param with default values.

paramThe IP change param to be initialized.

◆ pjsua_detect_nat_type()

pj_status_t pjsua_detect_nat_type ( void  )

This is a utility function to detect NAT type in front of this endpoint. Once invoked successfully, this function will complete asynchronously and report the result in on_nat_detect() callback of pjsua_callback.

After NAT has been detected and the callback is called, application can get the detected NAT type by calling pjsua_get_nat_type(). Application can also perform NAT detection by calling pjsua_detect_nat_type() again at later time.

Note that STUN must be enabled to run this function successfully.

PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.

◆ pjsua_get_nat_type()

pj_status_t pjsua_get_nat_type ( pj_stun_nat_type type)

Get the NAT type as detected by pjsua_detect_nat_type() function. This function will only return useful NAT type after pjsua_detect_nat_type() has completed successfully and on_nat_detect() callback has been called.

typeNAT type.
When detection is in progress, this function will return PJ_EPENDING and type will be set to PJ_STUN_NAT_TYPE_UNKNOWN. After NAT type has been detected successfully, this function will return PJ_SUCCESS and type will be set to the correct value. Other return values indicate error and type will be set to PJ_STUN_NAT_TYPE_ERR_UNKNOWN.
See also

◆ pjsua_update_stun_servers()

pj_status_t pjsua_update_stun_servers ( unsigned  count,
pj_str_t  srv[],
pj_bool_t  wait 

Update the STUN servers list. The pjsua_init() must have been called before calling this function.

countNumber of STUN server entries.
srvArray of STUN server entries to try. Please see the stun_srv field in the pjsua_config documentation about the format of this entry.
waitSpecify non-zero to make the function block until it gets the result. In this case, the function will block while the resolution is being done, and the callback will be called before this function returns.
If wait parameter is non-zero, this will return PJ_SUCCESS if one usable STUN server is found. Otherwise it will always return PJ_SUCCESS, and application will be notified about the result in the callback on_stun_resolution_complete().

◆ pjsua_resolve_stun_servers()

pj_status_t pjsua_resolve_stun_servers ( unsigned  count,
pj_str_t  srv[],
pj_bool_t  wait,
void *  token,
pj_stun_resolve_cb  cb 

Auxiliary function to resolve and contact each of the STUN server entries (sequentially) to find which is usable. The pjsua_init() must have been called before calling this function.

countNumber of STUN server entries to try.
srvArray of STUN server entries to try. Please see the stun_srv field in the pjsua_config documentation about the format of this entry.
waitSpecify non-zero to make the function block until it gets the result. In this case, the function will block while the resolution is being done, and the callback will be called before this function returns.
tokenArbitrary token to be passed back to application in the callback.
cbCallback to be called to notify the result of the function.
If wait parameter is non-zero, this will return PJ_SUCCESS if one usable STUN server is found. Otherwise it will always return PJ_SUCCESS, and application will be notified about the result in the callback.

◆ pjsua_cancel_stun_resolution()

pj_status_t pjsua_cancel_stun_resolution ( void *  token,
pj_bool_t  notify_cb 

Cancel pending STUN resolution which match the specified token.

tokenThe token to match. This token was given to pjsua_resolve_stun_servers()
notify_cbBoolean to control whether the callback should be called for cancelled resolutions. When the callback is called, the status in the result will be set as PJ_ECANCELLED.
PJ_SUCCESS if there is at least one pending STUN resolution cancelled, or PJ_ENOTFOUND if there is no matching one, or other error.

◆ pjsua_verify_sip_url()

pj_status_t pjsua_verify_sip_url ( const char *  url)

This is a utility function to verify that valid SIP url is given. If the URL is a valid SIP/SIPS scheme, PJ_SUCCESS will be returned.

urlThe URL, as NULL terminated string.
PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.
See also

◆ pjsua_verify_url()

pj_status_t pjsua_verify_url ( const char *  url)

This is a utility function to verify that valid URI is given. Unlike pjsua_verify_sip_url(), this function will return PJ_SUCCESS if tel: URI is given.

urlThe URL, as NULL terminated string.
PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.
See also

◆ pjsua_schedule_timer()

pj_status_t pjsua_schedule_timer ( pj_timer_entry entry,
const pj_time_val delay 

Schedule a timer entry. Note that the timer callback may be executed by different thread, depending on whether worker thread is enabled or not.

entryTimer heap entry.
delayThe interval to expire.
PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.
See also

◆ pjsua_schedule_timer2()

pj_status_t pjsua_schedule_timer2 ( void(*)(void *user_data)  cb,
void *  user_data,
unsigned  msec_delay 

Schedule a callback function to be called after a specified time interval. Note that the callback may be executed by different thread, depending on whether worker thread is enabled or not.

cbThe callback function.
user_dataThe user data.
msec_delayThe time interval in msec.
PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.

◆ pjsua_cancel_timer()

void pjsua_cancel_timer ( pj_timer_entry entry)

Cancel the previously scheduled timer.

entryTimer heap entry.
See also

◆ pjsua_perror()

void pjsua_perror ( const char *  sender,
const char *  title,
pj_status_t  status 

This is a utility function to display error message for the specified error code. The error message will be sent to the log.

senderThe log sender field.
titleMessage title for the error.
statusStatus code.

◆ pjsua_dump()

void pjsua_dump ( pj_bool_t  detail)

This is a utility function to dump the stack states to log, using verbosity level 3.

detailWill print detailed output (such as list of SIP transactions) when non-zero.

◆ pjsua_handle_ip_change()

pj_status_t pjsua_handle_ip_change ( const pjsua_ip_change_param param)

Inform the stack that IP address change event was detected. The stack will:

  1. Restart the listener (this step is configurable via pjsua_ip_change_param.restart_listener).
  2. Shutdown the transport used by account registration (this step is configurable via pjsua_acc_config.ip_change_cfg.shutdown_tp).
  3. Update contact URI by sending re-Registration (this step is configurable via a\ pjsua_acc_config.allow_contact_rewrite and a\ pjsua_acc_config.contact_rewrite_method)
  4. Hangup active calls (this step is configurable via a\ pjsua_acc_config.ip_change_cfg.hangup_calls) or continue the call by sending re-INVITE (configurable via pjsua_acc_config.ip_change_cfg.reinvite_flags).
paramThe IP change parameter, have a look at pjsua_ip_change_param.
PJ_SUCCESS on success, other on error.


PJSIP Open Source, high performance, small footprint, and very very portable SIP stack
Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Teluu Inc.