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#include <ice_session.h>

Data Fields

int foundation_idx
pj_timestamp prio
pj_ice_sess_check_state state
pj_bool_t nominated
pj_status_t err_code

Detailed Description

This structure describes an ICE connectivity check. An ICE check contains a candidate pair, and will involve sending STUN Binding Request transaction for the purposes of verifying connectivity. A check is sent from the local candidate to the remote candidate of a candidate pair.

Forward declaration for pj_ice_sess_check

Field Documentation

◆ err_code

pj_status_t pj_ice_sess_check::err_code

When the check failed, this will contain the failure status of the STUN transaction.

◆ foundation_idx

int pj_ice_sess_check::foundation_idx

Foundation index, referring to foundation array defined in checklist.

◆ lcand

pj_ice_sess_cand* pj_ice_sess_check::lcand

Pointer to local candidate entry of this check.

◆ nominated

pj_bool_t pj_ice_sess_check::nominated

Flag to indicate whether this check is nominated. A nominated check contains USE-CANDIDATE attribute in its STUN Binding request.

◆ prio

pj_timestamp pj_ice_sess_check::prio

Check priority.

◆ rcand

pj_ice_sess_cand* pj_ice_sess_check::rcand

Pointer to remote candidate entry of this check.

◆ state

pj_ice_sess_check_state pj_ice_sess_check::state

Connectivity check state.

◆ tdata

pj_stun_tx_data* pj_ice_sess_check::tdata

STUN transmit data containing STUN Binding request that was sent as part of this check. The value will only be set when this check has a pending transaction, and is used to cancel the transaction when other check has succeeded.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


PJNATH - Open Source NAT traversal helper library supporting STUN, TURN, and ICE
Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Teluu Inc.