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#include <ssl_sock.h>

Data Fields

pj_bool_t established
pj_uint32_t proto
pj_ssl_cipher cipher
pj_sockaddr local_addr
pj_sockaddr remote_addr
pj_uint32_t verify_status
unsigned long last_native_err

Detailed Description

Definition of secure socket info structure.

Field Documentation

◆ cipher

pj_ssl_cipher pj_ssl_sock_info::cipher

Describes cipher suite being used, this will only be set when connection is established.

◆ established

pj_bool_t pj_ssl_sock_info::established

Describes whether secure socket connection is established, i.e: TLS/SSL handshaking has been done successfully.

◆ grp_lock

pj_grp_lock_t* pj_ssl_sock_info::grp_lock

Group lock assigned to the ioqueue key.

◆ last_native_err

unsigned long pj_ssl_sock_info::last_native_err

Last native error returned by the backend.

◆ local_addr

pj_sockaddr pj_ssl_sock_info::local_addr

Describes local address.

◆ local_cert_info

pj_ssl_cert_info* pj_ssl_sock_info::local_cert_info

Describes active local certificate info.

◆ proto

pj_uint32_t pj_ssl_sock_info::proto

Describes secure socket protocol being used, see pj_ssl_sock_proto. Use bitwise OR operation to combine the protocol type.

◆ remote_addr

pj_sockaddr pj_ssl_sock_info::remote_addr

Describes remote address.

◆ remote_cert_info

pj_ssl_cert_info* pj_ssl_sock_info::remote_cert_info

Describes active remote certificate info.

◆ verify_status

pj_uint32_t pj_ssl_sock_info::verify_status

Status of peer certificate verification.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


PJLIB Open Source, high performance, small footprint, and very very portable framework
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