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#include <types.h>

Data Fields

int wday
int day
int mon
int year
int sec
int min
int hour
int msec

Detailed Description

This structure represent the parsed representation of time. It is acquired by calling pj_time_decode().

Field Documentation

◆ day

int pj_parsed_time::day

This represents day of month: 1-31

◆ hour

int pj_parsed_time::hour

This represents the hour part, with the value is 0-23

◆ min

int pj_parsed_time::min

This represents the minute part, with the value is: 0-59

◆ mon

int pj_parsed_time::mon

This represents month, with the value is 0 - 11 (zero is January)

◆ msec

int pj_parsed_time::msec

This represents the milisecond part, with the value is 0-999

◆ sec

int pj_parsed_time::sec

This represents the second part, with the value is 0-59

◆ wday

int pj_parsed_time::wday

This represents day of week where value zero means Sunday

◆ year

int pj_parsed_time::year

This represent the actual year (unlike in ANSI libc where the value must be added by 1900).

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


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