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enum  pj_file_access { PJ_O_RDONLY = 0x1101 , PJ_O_WRONLY = 0x1102 , PJ_O_RDWR = 0x1103 , PJ_O_APPEND = 0x1108 }
enum  pj_file_seek_type { PJ_SEEK_SET = 0x1201 , PJ_SEEK_CUR = 0x1202 , PJ_SEEK_END = 0x1203 }


pj_status_t pj_file_open (pj_pool_t *pool, const char *pathname, unsigned flags, pj_oshandle_t *fd)
pj_status_t pj_file_close (pj_oshandle_t fd)
pj_status_t pj_file_write (pj_oshandle_t fd, const void *data, pj_ssize_t *size)
pj_status_t pj_file_read (pj_oshandle_t fd, void *data, pj_ssize_t *size)
pj_status_t pj_file_setpos (pj_oshandle_t fd, pj_off_t offset, enum pj_file_seek_type whence)
pj_status_t pj_file_getpos (pj_oshandle_t fd, pj_off_t *pos)
pj_status_t pj_file_flush (pj_oshandle_t fd)

Detailed Description

This file contains functionalities to perform file I/O. The file I/O can be implemented with various back-end, either using native file API or ANSI stream.

Size Limits

There may be limitation on the size that can be handled by the pj_file_setpos() or pj_file_getpos() functions. The API itself uses 64-bit integer for the file offset/position (where available); however some backends (such as ANSI) may only support signed 32-bit offset resolution.

Reading and writing operation uses signed 32-bit integer to indicate the size.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ pj_file_access

These enumerations are used when opening file. Values PJ_O_RDONLY, PJ_O_WRONLY, and PJ_O_RDWR are mutually exclusive. Value PJ_O_APPEND can only be used when the file is opened for writing.


Open file for reading.


Open file for writing.


Open file for reading and writing. File will be truncated.


Append to existing file.

◆ pj_file_seek_type

The seek directive when setting the file position with pj_file_setpos.


Offset from beginning of the file.


Offset from current position.


Size of the file plus offset.

Function Documentation

◆ pj_file_close()

pj_status_t pj_file_close ( pj_oshandle_t  fd)

Close an opened file descriptor.

fdThe file descriptor.
PJ_SUCCESS or the appropriate error code on error.

◆ pj_file_flush()

pj_status_t pj_file_flush ( pj_oshandle_t  fd)

Flush file buffers.

fdThe file descriptor.
PJ_SUCCESS or the appropriate error code on error.

◆ pj_file_getpos()

pj_status_t pj_file_getpos ( pj_oshandle_t  fd,
pj_off_t pos 

Get current file position.

fdThe file descriptor.
posOn return contains the file position as measured from the beginning of the file.
PJ_SUCCESS or the appropriate error code on error.

◆ pj_file_open()

pj_status_t pj_file_open ( pj_pool_t pool,
const char *  pathname,
unsigned  flags,
pj_oshandle_t fd 

Open the file as specified in pathname with the specified mode, and return the handle in fd. All files will be opened as binary.

poolPool to allocate memory for the new file descriptor.
pathnameThe file name to open.
flagsOpen flags, which is bitmask combination of pj_file_access enum. The flag must be either PJ_O_RDONLY, PJ_O_WRONLY, or PJ_O_RDWR. When file writing is specified, existing file will be truncated unless PJ_O_APPEND is specified.
fdThe returned descriptor.
PJ_SUCCESS or the appropriate error code on error.

◆ pj_file_read()

pj_status_t pj_file_read ( pj_oshandle_t  fd,
void *  data,
pj_ssize_t size 

Read data from the specified file. When end-of-file condition is set, this function will return PJ_SUCCESS but the size will contain zero.

fdThe file descriptor.
dataPointer to buffer to receive the data.
sizeOn input, specifies the maximum number of data to read from the file. On output, it contains the size of data actually read from the file. It will contain zero when EOF occurs.
PJ_SUCCESS or the appropriate error code on error. When EOF occurs, the return is PJ_SUCCESS but size will report zero.

◆ pj_file_setpos()

pj_status_t pj_file_setpos ( pj_oshandle_t  fd,
pj_off_t  offset,
enum pj_file_seek_type  whence 

Set file position to new offset according to directive whence.

fdThe file descriptor.
offsetThe new file position to set.
whenceThe directive.
PJ_SUCCESS or the appropriate error code on error.

◆ pj_file_write()

pj_status_t pj_file_write ( pj_oshandle_t  fd,
const void *  data,
pj_ssize_t size 

Write data with the specified size to an opened file.

fdThe file descriptor.
dataData to be written to the file.
sizeOn input, specifies the size of data to be written. On return, it contains the number of data actually written to the file.
PJ_SUCCESS or the appropriate error code on error.


PJLIB Open Source, high performance, small footprint, and very very portable framework
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