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pj Directory Reference


file  activesock.h [code]
 Active socket.
file  addr_resolv.h [code]
 IP address resolution.
file  array.h [code]
 PJLIB Array helper.
file  assert.h [code]
 Assertion macro pj_assert().
file  config.h [code]
 PJLIB Main configuration settings.
file  config_site_sample.h [code]
file  config_site_test.h [code]
file  ctype.h [code]
 C type helper macros.
file  doxygen.h [code]
 Doxygen's mainpage.
file  errno.h [code]
 PJLIB Error Subsystem.
file  except.h [code]
 Exception Handling in C.
file  fifobuf.h [code]
file  file_access.h [code]
 File manipulation and access.
file  file_io.h [code]
 Simple file I/O abstraction.
file  guid.h [code]
 GUID Globally Unique Identifier.
file  hash.h [code]
 Hash Table.
file  ioqueue.h [code]
 I/O Dispatching Mechanism.
file  ip_helper.h [code]
 IP helper API.
file  limits.h [code]
 Common min and max values.
file  list.h [code]
 Linked List data structure.
file  lock.h [code]
 Higher abstraction for locking objects.
file  log.h [code]
 Logging Utility.
file  math.h [code]
 Mathematics and Statistics.
file  os.h [code]
 OS dependent functions.
file  pool.h [code]
 Memory Pool.
file  pool_alt.h [code]
file  pool_buf.h [code]
file  rand.h [code]
 Random Number Generator.
file  rbtree.h [code]
 Red/Black Tree.
file  sock.h [code]
 Socket Abstraction.
file  sock_qos.h [code]
 Socket QoS API.
file  sock_select.h [code]
 Socket select().
file  ssl_sock.h [code]
 Secure socket.
file  string.h [code]
 PJLIB String Operations.
file  timer.h [code]
 Timer Heap.
file  types.h [code]
 Declaration of basic types and utility.
file  unicode.h [code]
 Provides Unicode conversion for Unicode OSes.


PJLIB Open Source, high performance, small footprint, and very very portable framework
Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Teluu Inc.