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pj_cli_telnet_cfg Struct Reference

#include <cli_telnet.h>

Data Fields

pj_uint16_t port
int log_level
pj_str_t passwd
pj_str_t welcome_msg
pj_str_t prompt_str
pj_cli_telnet_on_started on_started

Detailed Description

This structure contains various options to instantiate the telnet daemon. Application must call pj_cli_telnet_cfg_default() to initialize this structure with its default values.

Field Documentation

◆ ioqueue

pj_ioqueue_t* pj_cli_telnet_cfg::ioqueue

Ioqueue instance to be used. If this field is NULL, an internal ioqueue and worker thread will be created.

◆ log_level

int pj_cli_telnet_cfg::log_level

Default log verbosity level for the session.


◆ on_started

pj_cli_telnet_on_started pj_cli_telnet_cfg::on_started

Specify the pj_cli_telnet_on_started callback.

Default: empty

◆ passwd

pj_str_t pj_cli_telnet_cfg::passwd

Specify a password to be asked to the end user to access the application. Currently this is not implemented yet.

Default: empty (no password)

◆ port

pj_uint16_t pj_cli_telnet_cfg::port

Listening port number. The value may be 0 to let the system choose the first available port.

Default value: PJ_CLI_TELNET_PORT

◆ prompt_str

pj_str_t pj_cli_telnet_cfg::prompt_str

Specify text message as a prompt string to user.

Default: empty

◆ welcome_msg

pj_str_t pj_cli_telnet_cfg::welcome_msg

Specify text message to be displayed to newly connected users. Currently this is not implemented yet.

Default: empty

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:


PJLIB-UTIL Open Source, small footprint, and portable asynchronous/caching DNS resolver, text scanner, STUN client, and XML library
Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Teluu Inc.