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Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234]
 Audio Subsystem API ReferenceAPI Reference
 Audio Device APIPJMEDIA audio device abstraction API
 Audio Device Implementors APIAPI for audio device implementors
 Audio tests utility.Audio test utility
 Compile time configurationsCompile time configurations
 Error CodesAudio devive library specific error codes
 Audio Device API ReferenceDocumentation and API Reference
 Video Device APIPJMEDIA video device abstraction API
 AVI Player Virtual DeviceAVI player virtual deviceThis describes a virtual capture device which takes its input from an AVI file
 Compile time configurationsCompile time configurations
 Error CodesAudio devive library specific error codes
 Video Device Implementors APIAPI for video device implementors
 Video Device API ReferenceAPI Reference
 File FormatsSupported file formats
 AVI HeaderRepresentation of RIFF/AVI file format
 WAVE HeaderRepresentation of RIFF/WAVE file format
 Codec FrameworkMedia codec framework and management
 PJMEDIA-CODEC Compile Time SettingsVarious compile time settings such as to enable/disable codecs
 PJMEDIA-CODEC Types and ConstantsConstants used by PJMEDIA-CODEC
 Supported codecsDocumentation about individual codec supported by PJMEDIAPlease see the APIs provided by the individual codecs below
 AMR Codec HelperAMR common tables and helper functions
 Audio MediaCodec Codec
 Codec registration helperHelper function to register all codecs
 BCG729 CodecImplementation of BCG729 codecs
 G.722 CodecImplementation of G.722 Codec
 G.722.1 Codec (Siren7/Siren14)Implementation of G.722.1 codec
 GSM 06.10 CodecImplementation of GSM FR based on GSM 06.10 library
 iLBC CodecImplementation of iLBC Codec
 IPP CodecsImplementation of IPP codecs
 L16 Codec FamilyImplementation of PCM/16bit/linear codecs
 OpenCORE AMR CodecAMRCodec wrapper for OpenCORE AMR codec
 Opus Codec FamilyOpus codec wrapper
 Passthrough CodecsImplementation of passthrough codecs
 SILK Codec FamilyImplementation of SILK codecs (narrow/medium/wide/superwide-band)
 Speex Codec FamilyImplementation of Speex codecs (narrow/wide/ultrawide-band)
 G.711 CodecStandard G.711/PCMA and PCMU codec
 Video Codecs
 Supported video codecs
 Android Mediacodec Codec
 FFmpeg Codecs
 Open H.264 Codec
 Video Toolbox Codec
 VPX Codec
 Base Types and Configurations
 Compile time configurationSome compile time configuration settings
 Error CodesPJMEDIA specific error codes
 Object SignaturesStandard PJMEDIA object signatures
 Basic TypesBasic PJMEDIA types and operations
 Media formatMedia format
 Media frameFrame
 The Endpoint
 Event FrameworkPJMEDIA event framework
 Media SessionsManagement of media sessions
 RTCP Session and Encapsulation (RFC 3550)RTCP format and session management
 RTCP Feedback - RFC 4585RTCP Feedback extension to RTCP session
 RTCP Extended Report (XR) - RFC 3611RTCP XR extension to RTCP session
 RTP Session and Encapsulation (RFC 3550)RTP format and session management
 SDP Parsing and Data StructureSDP data structure representation and parsing
 SDP Negotiation State Machine (Offer/Answer Model, RFC 3264)SDP Negotiation State Machine (Offer/Answer Model, RFC 3264)
 Media TransportTransports.The media transport (pjmedia_transport) is the object to send and receive media packets over the network. The media transport interface allows the library to be extended to support different types of transports to send and receive packets
 Sample Transport AdapterExample on how to create transport adapter
 ICE Media TransportInteractive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) transport
 Loopback Media TransportLoopback transport for testing
 Secure RTP (SRTP) Media TransportMedia transport adapter to add SRTP feature to existing transports
 UDP Media TransportImplementation of media transport with UDP sockets
 Media Ports FrameworkExtensible framework for media terminations
 AVI File PlayerVideo and audio playback from AVI file
 Bidirectional PortA bidirectional port combines two unidirectional ports into one bidirectional port
 Clock/TimingVarious types of classes that provide timing
 Master PortThread based media clock provider
 Sound Device PortMedia Port Connection Abstraction to the Sound Device
 Portable Sound Hardware AbstractionPJMEDIA abstraction for sound device hardware
 Video media portVideo media port
 Clock GeneratorInterface for generating clock
 Conference BridgeAudio conference bridge implementation
 Accoustic Echo Cancellation APIEcho Cancellation API
 Echo Cancellation PortEcho Cancellation
 Memory/Buffer-based Playback PortMedia playback from a fixed size memory buffer
 Memory/Buffer-based Capture PortMedia capture to fixed size memory buffer
 Null PortThe simplest type of media port which does nothing
 Resample PortAudio sample rate conversion
 StreamsCommunicating with remote peer via the network
 Multi-frequency tone generatorMulti-frequency tone generator
 Video streamsVideo communication via the network
 WAV File Play ListAudio playback of multiple WAV files
 WAV File PlayerAudio playback from WAV file
 File Writer (Recorder)Audio capture/recording to WAV file
 Media channel splitter/combinerSplit and combine multiple mono-channel media ports into a single multiple-channels media port
 Video conference bridgeVideo conference bridge implementation destination
 Video source duplicatorDuplicate video data from a media port into multiple media port destinations
 Audio Manipulation AlgorithmsAlgorithms to manipulate audio frames
 Circular BufferCircular buffer manages read and write contiguous audio samples in a non-contiguous buffer as if the buffer were contiguous. This should give better performance than keeping contiguous samples in a contiguous buffer, since read/write operations will only update the pointers, instead of shifting audio samples
 Format converterAudio and video converter utilities
 Adaptive Delay BufferAdaptive delay buffer with high-quality time-scale modification
 Adaptive jitter bufferAdaptive de-jitter buffering implementation
 Packet Lost Concealment (PLC)Packet lost compensation algorithm
 Resampling AlgorithmSample rate conversion algorithm
 Adaptive Silence DetectionAdaptive Silence Detector
 Monochannel and multichannel audio frame converterMono - multi-channels audio conversion
 Waveform Similarity Based Overlap-Add (WSOLA)Time-scale modification to audio without affecting the pitch


PJMEDIA small footprint Open Source media stack
Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Teluu Inc.