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Test: Socket Performance

Test the performance of the socket communication. This will perform simple producer-consumer type of test, where we calculate how long does it take to send certain number of packets from producer to consumer.

This file is pjlib-test/sock_perf.c

* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "test.h"
#include <pjlib.h>
#include <pj/compat/high_precision.h>
* sock_producer_consumer()
* Simple producer-consumer benchmarking. Send loop number of
* buf_size size packets as fast as possible.
static int sock_producer_consumer(int sock_type,
pj_size_t buf_size,
unsigned loop,
unsigned *p_bandwidth)
pj_sock_t consumer, producer;
pj_pool_t *pool;
char *outgoing_buffer, *incoming_buffer;
pj_timestamp start, stop;
unsigned i;
pj_highprec_t elapsed, bandwidth;
pj_highprec_t total_received;
/* Create pool. */
pool = pj_pool_create(mem, NULL, 4096, 4096, NULL);
if (!pool)
return -10;
/* Create producer-consumer pair. */
rc = app_socketpair(pj_AF_INET(), sock_type, 0, &consumer, &producer);
if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS) {
app_perror("...error: create socket pair", rc);
return -20;
/* Create buffers. */
outgoing_buffer = (char*) pj_pool_alloc(pool, buf_size);
incoming_buffer = (char*) pj_pool_alloc(pool, buf_size);
/* Start loop. */
total_received = 0;
for (i=0; i<loop; ++i) {
pj_ssize_t sent, part_received, received;
pj_time_val delay;
sent = buf_size;
rc = pj_sock_send(producer, outgoing_buffer, &sent, 0);
if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS || sent != (pj_ssize_t)buf_size) {
app_perror("...error: send()", rc);
return -61;
/* Repeat recv() until all data is part_received.
* This applies only for non-UDP of course, since for UDP
* we would expect all data to be part_received in one packet.
received = 0;
do {
part_received = buf_size-received;
rc = pj_sock_recv(consumer, incoming_buffer+received,
&part_received, 0);
if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS) {
app_perror("...recv error", rc);
return -70;
if (part_received <= 0) {
PJ_LOG(3,("", "...error: socket has closed (part_received=%d)!",
return -73;
if ((pj_size_t)part_received != buf_size-received) {
if (sock_type != pj_SOCK_STREAM()) {
PJ_LOG(3,("", "...error: expecting %u bytes, got %u bytes",
buf_size-received, part_received));
return -76;
received += part_received;
} while ((pj_size_t)received < buf_size);
total_received += received;
/* Stop test if it's been runnign for more than 10 secs. */
delay = pj_elapsed_time(&start, &stop);
if (delay.sec > 10)
/* Stop timer. */
elapsed = pj_elapsed_usec(&start, &stop);
/* bandwidth = total_received * 1000 / elapsed */
bandwidth = total_received;
pj_highprec_mul(bandwidth, 1000);
pj_highprec_div(bandwidth, elapsed);
*p_bandwidth = (pj_uint32_t)bandwidth;
/* Close sockets. */
/* Done */
return 0;
* sock_perf_test()
* Main test entry.
int sock_perf_test(void)
enum { LOOP = 64 * 1024 };
int rc;
unsigned bandwidth;
PJ_LOG(3,("", "...benchmarking socket "
"(2 sockets, packet=512, single threaded):"));
/* Disable this test on Symbian since UDP connect()/send() failed
* with S60 3rd edition (including MR2).
* See https://github.com/pjsip/pjproject/issues/264
#if !defined(PJ_SYMBIAN) || PJ_SYMBIAN==0
/* Benchmarking UDP */
rc = sock_producer_consumer(pj_SOCK_DGRAM(), 512, LOOP, &bandwidth);
if (rc != 0) return rc;
PJ_LOG(3,("", "....bandwidth UDP = %d KB/s", bandwidth));
/* Benchmarking TCP */
rc = sock_producer_consumer(pj_SOCK_STREAM(), 512, LOOP, &bandwidth);
if (rc != 0) return rc;
PJ_LOG(3,("", "....bandwidth TCP = %d KB/s", bandwidth));
return rc;
/* To prevent warning about "translation unit is empty"
* when this test is disabled.
int dummy_sock_perf_test;
long pj_ssize_t
Definition: types.h:64
long pj_sock_t
Definition: types.h:263
size_t pj_size_t
Definition: types.h:58
int pj_status_t
Definition: types.h:68
unsigned int pj_uint32_t
Definition: types.h:43
Definition: types.h:93
#define PJ_LOG(level, arg)
Definition: log.h:106
void * pj_pool_alloc(pj_pool_t *pool, pj_size_t size)
pj_pool_t * pj_pool_create(pj_pool_factory *factory, const char *name, pj_size_t initial_size, pj_size_t increment_size, pj_pool_callback *callback)
void pj_pool_release(pj_pool_t *pool)
pj_status_t pj_sock_send(pj_sock_t sockfd, const void *buf, pj_ssize_t *len, unsigned flags)
pj_status_t pj_sock_close(pj_sock_t sockfd)
#define pj_AF_INET()
Definition: sock.h:113
#define pj_SOCK_DGRAM()
Definition: sock.h:162
#define pj_SOCK_STREAM()
Definition: sock.h:160
pj_status_t pj_sock_recv(pj_sock_t sockfd, void *buf, pj_ssize_t *len, unsigned flags)
pj_status_t pj_get_timestamp(pj_timestamp *ts)
pj_time_val pj_elapsed_time(const pj_timestamp *start, const pj_timestamp *stop)
pj_uint32_t pj_elapsed_usec(const pj_timestamp *start, const pj_timestamp *stop)
Definition: pool.h:310
Definition: types.h:397
long sec
Definition: types.h:399
Definition: types.h:134


PJLIB Open Source, high performance, small footprint, and very very portable framework
Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Teluu Inc.